Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mommy Meltdown

I do believe that I am on the verge of a mommy meltdown...Life, kids, work, whatever... It's been hard lately. I took this past week off from work to be with the kids on one of their weeks of spring break. For 9 days straight, there was not one moment of the day that I did not have a kid with me. I know, I know. I am a mom. But, that doesn't mean I do not need some "me" time. Throw in the fact that Brendan's schedule was changed completely for two weeks and he and Liam were around each other way too much, and you've got yourself a mom that is at her breaking point.

Brendan's struggles have had a huge impact on me these past two weeks. He has been very hard to talk to, reason with, soothe, calm down, engage, etc. He has been very strong willed and has had an increase in his back talk. Getting him to do anything that he didn't want to was pretty much next to impossible (Usually I can get him to do many things using the first-then model. Not these past weeks!). Today was exceptionally difficult for me. He had a very bad tantrum after I came home from an extremely hard day of work. I felt like I failed and I just didn't know what to do. Time outs don't work with him. Sending him to his room doesn't work. Trying to talk about it doesn't work. One day, I hope we will find what does work, cause this momma is TIRED.

Praying has been my "me" time lately. That's all I can really do right now, other then send text messages to Deron that say, "when you come home, I may not be here." I knew being a mom was going to be hard work and it is. Being a mom of a child with Autism and still not sure how to always handle a situation, is even harder. God is bigger than this situation, and he will get me through it. But for a few moments, I may sneak off to have a little meltdown, say a prayer, and jump back in.

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