Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Update on Brendan

I want to say thank you to everyone that has been praying for our family through this new adventure that we are on. Brendan has now been at his new school for 3 weeks, or 6 days. He only goes Monday-Wednesday, but the school as been closed a few days during those weeks. His first two days at school were a little rough, and a lot like how he behaved at his other pre-school. He was testing the teachers to see how much he could get away with. He wasn't interested in doing the activities and cried when he was forced to do something he didn't want to. The next week, he was a totally different kid. He did everything the teachers asked him to and was engaged in the activities. He only needed help to get started, but did the rest of the work on his own. This alone is a HUGE improvement. Previously, he would just wander around the classroom while circle time, or another activity was being done. He had no interest in joining in, and the teachers never made him participate.

There have been some improvements at home too. While they are small improvements, they make a huge difference in our day-to-day life. We are so excited to see how much he grows. I got to speak with his teacher this week and she again told me how great he is doing and how surprised she is that he was able to improve so quickly.

Today when I picked him up from his regular pre-school, the teacher let me know that he was engaged in a circle time activity and made the activity all by himself. She let me know that he has been more involved in group activities than he has been previously. This makes my heart so happy. Previously he could care less to interact with other classmates, let alone color or make crafts. And here, 3 weeks into his special classes, he is making strides in these areas of concern.

We are working on making things more structured at home to help with his behavior improvement. We have already started a visual calendar so he knows where he is going during the week, and this has been very helpful already. He loves taking the little bus, and does get very sad on the days that he does not go. But, we talk about it, and are able to reason with him about the situation much more than we used to be.

God is definitely in this situation and has really shown us how this road that we have taken is the right one for Brendan and our family. All the right people have been put into place to help us get our son the help that he needs to succeed. Please continue to lift our family in prayer.

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