Thursday, November 20, 2014


Over the last couple of months, Brendan and I have been making trips to our school district to do assessments with student services. For a while we have had concerns about a few things, ie: eye contact, behavior, speech, social development. He has been struggling at pre-school as well with some of these concerns.

 After 6 assessments with a child psychologist, speech pathologist and an autism specialist, we had our IEP meeting today and it was decided that he has characteristics of Autism. I was told about a month or so ago that this is what they were feeling, but had to wait until the IEP was done to have a final report. I cried when I was told, but I feel it was more because I was relieved that we could move forward and help Brendan. 

There were lots of struggles that came during the assessments, such as, his behavior intensified and he became much more temperamental as he was being forced to do things he didn't want to do. He also became physical with me when I would have to restrain him. He starting hitting me in the face and wouldn't stop until he was able to knock my glasses of my face. This was very difficult for me to deal with and I would often break down because of it. It was a struggle for me to actually have my child hitting me. Through this I have realized that he doesn't know any better and this is how he is communicating. It is still a struggle for me though. 

Today was hard for Deron and I because we know what the struggles are, but to see it in writing and to see that these specialists are identifying the exact same things we are, made it that much more real. I think that we both came away from the meeting today feelig better and knowing that there is a lot of people that want to help him. 

Now, we are working on getting him into the services that the school district provides. There are lots of resources available for him at the school district, but the services they offer are at times that are difficult for us because of our work schedules. Lots of praying is going on over here to find what works best for him and our busy lives. God has truly pointed us in the right direction to help our little guy succeed in this life. Thank you to everyone that has been praying for us. Please continue to pray as we move into this next chapter and get Brendan that support that he needs! 

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