Monday, October 27, 2014

Starting Fresh!

Wow! It's been a long time since I have blogged! And, as you can see, this blog is very under construction. I decided to start a new blog since there are so many new changes in our life. We have recently been given a whirlwind of information that will change our lives and there have been many emotions running through our house (mostly from me, I'd hate to admit). While we are still sorting out all the information that is coming our way, life as we know it, is going to change. I was reminded today by my sister, Lisa, that God never gives us anything that we cannot handle. She reminded me of the song by Matthew West, Strong Enough. I listen to this song all the time on the radio, and until today, it didn't resonate as a song that I should really be paying attention to. This song should be my anthem. I have spent many days and nights crying and worrying over the past few weeks, and instead I should be realizing that God has made me strong enough to preserver through this challenge that he has given us, and we will prevail because God is on our side. I found a quote the other day that Toby Mac put up on his Instagram that said:

"Something will grow from all that you are going through, and it will be you."

I am truly hoping that we all grow from the changes that our family is going to go through and become a stronger family than we already are. As more information comes our way, we will share with you all. Please send prayers our way for guidance and direction in the decisions that we have to make in the next few weeks. Also, please pray for our little firecracker, Brendan. Things are going to be tough for him as well with all the changes that will be coming into our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all my friend♡ We love you and know what a strong family you have! Especially Brendan- what a joyful light that we are all blessed to know! Lots of love to you guys♡♡♡
